Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Loksins er hlaðvarp Sundur & Saman komið út!Hér svara ég spurningunni "Hvernig set ég sjálfa mig í fyrsta sæti?"Ef þú ert með spurningu eftir þáttinn, vilt vita meira um námskeiðin eða markþjálfunina sendu á mig línu.Þú finnur mig á instagram:https://www.instagram.com/sundurogsaman/Vefsíðan mín er: https://sundurogsaman.is
Your Title
This is the description area. You can write an introduction or add anything you want to tell your audience. This can help potential listeners better understand and become interested in your podcast. Think about what will motivate them to hit the play button. What is your podcast about? What makes it unique? This is your chance to introduce your podcast and grab their attention.